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Psychology, B.A.

A standing teacher speaking to a group of seated students.
Psychology, B.A. (Madrid)
  1. Students will demonstrate comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends and empirical findings in psychology in their application to complex problems.
  2. Students will demonstrate their ability to discern the quality of research conducted by others and apply their research knowledge through an evidence-based psychology project.
  3. Students will demonstrate their abilities to recognize ethically and socially responsible behaviors and engage in such behaviors through applied experiences and through an evidence-based psychology project.
  4. Students will demonstrate competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills through an evidence-based psychology project.
  5. Students will demonstrate their ability to manage, present and reflect on a major evidence-based psychology project.

B.A. in psychology students must complete a minimum total of 34 credits for the major.

 PSY 2050 Foundations of Research Methods and Statistics and a capstone course must be taken from the student's home department.

University Undergraduate Core32-35
Major Requirements
Psychology Introductory Courses
PSY 1010General Psychology3
PSY 2050Foundations of Research Methods and Statistics4
Required Breadth Courses
Select a minimum of one course in each of the four areas below:12
Cognitive Neuroscience
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Cog Neuro Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3100
Brain, Mind, & Society
PSY 3120
Cognitive Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Dev Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3210
Developmental Psych: Child
PSY 3230
Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
Social & Organizational Psychology
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Soc Org Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3300
Social Psychology
PSY 3410
Organizational Psychology
Mental Health and Wellbeing in Applied Contexts
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Health Applied Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3460
Abnormal Psychology
PSY 3470
Occupational Health Psychology
Capstone Course
PSY 4969Critical Thinking About Psychology * +3
or PSY 4965 Capstone Practicum Project
Psychology Electives **
Select 6 credit hours with the “Psychology Elective -- BA” attribute, such as: 6
PSY 2010
Disciplines & Practices in Psychology
PSY 3130
Physiological Psychology
PSY 4140
Psychology Advanced Elective
Select 3 credits with the "Psychology Advanced Elective" attribute,such as: 3
PSY 4340
African American Psychology
PSY 4480
Psychology and Law
Learning Through Applications
Select 3 credits with the "Applications of Psych Science" attribute.3
General Electives51-54
Total Credits120

PSY 4969 is the default capstone option for B.A. students.  Students may alternatively contract individual practicum or research capstone projects with faculty, although these options may not always be available.


PSY-ELE courses may only count with Dept. approval.


PSY 4965 Capstone Practicum Project (3 cr) is a capstone option only available for students on the St. Louis campus.

Non-Course Requirements

Mentoring Matters: Attendance at two Mentoring Matters events, or equivalent, is required for all psychology majors. Completion is strongly recommended by the end of the second year after declaring the major.

Continuation Standards

Students who fail to earn C in PSY 1010 or whose 博彩网址大全 PSY GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on probation and have a maximum of 2 consecutive semesters to resolve either or both issues. Additionally, students who fail to complete PSY2050 within 3 consecutive semesters after declaring the major will be immediately dismissed from the program.

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete a minimum of 120 credits (excluding pre-college level courses numbered below 1000).
  • Complete the University Undergraduate Core curriculum requirements.
  • Complete major requirements: minimum of 30 credits required.
  • Complete remaining credits with a second major, minor, certificate or electives to reach the minimum of 120 credits required for graduation.
  • Achieve at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average, a 2.00 grade point average in the major(s), and a 2.00 grade point average in the minor/certificate or related elective credits.
  • Complete department- and program-specific academic and performance requirements.
  • Complete at least 50% of the coursework for the major and 75% for the minor/certificate through Saint Louis University or an approved study-abroad program.
  • Complete 30 of the final 36 credits through Saint Louis University or an approved study-abroad program.
  • Complete an online degree application by the required University deadline.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
PSY 1010 General Psychology (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3600) 1 3
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2-3
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
General Electives 9
Psychology Breadth Requirement 2 3
Psychology First-Year Mentoring Matters (Participation) 3  
CORE 1600 Ultimate Questions: Theology 3
CORE 1900 Eloquentia Perfecta 1: Written and Visual Communication 3
General Electives 6
Year Two
PSY 2050 Foundations of Research Methods and Statistics (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3200) 5 4
Psychology Breadth Requirement 3 3
CORE 1200 Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
General Electives 3
Psychology General Elective 4 3
Psychology Breadth Requirement 3 3
Psychology Second-Year Mentoring Matters (Participation) 5  
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
CORE 3800 Ways of Thinking: Natural and Applied Sciences 3
General Electives 6
Year Three
PSY Learning Through Applications 6 3
Psychology Breadth Requirement 3
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 3
General Electives 6
Psychology BA Capstone 7 3
General Electives 12
Year Four
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
Psychology Advanced Elective 3
General Electives 9
General Electives 8 12
Optional Psychology Elective 8 1-3
 Total Credits120-123

A grade of "C" or better required for majors and minors (or program probation begins).


See information in the program notes.


Spring only; during first year as a psychology major.


Recommended elective PSY 2010 Disciplines & Practices in Psychology (3 cr).


Spring only; during second year after declaring major.


A maximum of 3 total credits is needed to fulfill the Learning Psychology Through Applications requirement. These credits may be distributed across semesters, where appropriate.


PSY 4969 and PSY 4965 are the default capstone option for B.A. students. Students may alternatively contract individual practicum or research capstone projects with faculty, although these options may not always be available.


If needed or desired.

Program Notes

The B.A. in Psychology requires a minimum of 34 credits.

Approved Psychology Breadth Requirements

At least one course from each of the four topical areas listed must be taken.  

Topical Cluster 1: Cognitive Neuroscience
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Cog Neuro Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3100Brain, Mind, & Society3
PSY 3120Cognitive Psychology3
Topical Cluster 2: Developmental Psychology
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Dev Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3210Developmental Psych: Child3
PSY 3230Developmental Psychology: Adolescence3
Topical Cluster 3: Social & Organizational Psychology
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Soc Org Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3300Social Psychology3
PSY 3410Organizational Psychology3
Topical Cluster 4: Mental Health and Wellbeing in Applied Contexts
Select 3 credit hours with the "PSY Health Applied Cluster" attribute, such as:
PSY 3460Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 3470Occupational Health Psychology3

2+博彩网址大全 programs provide a guided pathway for students transferring from a partner institution. 

Psychology, B.A. (STLCC 2+博彩网址大全)