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Modern Languages and Intercultural Communication, B.A.

  1. Students will be able to communicate at least at an intermediate mid/B2 level in one foreign language, at an intermediate low/B1 level in a second foreign language, and at an elementary/A2 level in a third foreign language.
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the different aspects of human communication, including the relationship between language, behavior, culture and mind.
  3. Students can communicate with speakers of other languages in culturally appropriate ways.
  4. Students will articulate the self-development of an intercultural identity and demonstrate how this is impacted by multiple cultural influences.

The Modern Languages and Intercultural Communication B.A. requires 32 credits for the major.

Undergraduate University Core32-35
Major Requirements
Language Requirement18
Students are required to take six (6) credits in 3 different languages carrying the "MLIC Language" attribute, such as Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish.
Communication Requirement3
CMM 3300
Intercultural Communication
Linguistics Requirement3
Choose from the following courses which will carry the "MLIC Linguistics" attribute:
LING 1000
How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistics
ENGL 4110
Introduction to Linguistics
or SPAN 4110
Language and Linguistics
or FREN 4110
Language & Linguistics
SPAN 4030
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 3100
Spanish Pronunciation
ANTH 2400
Linguistic Anthropology
SLHS 3000
Cultural Linguistic Diversity
Intercultural Requirement3
Choose from the following courses which will carry the "MLIC Intercultural" attribute:
LLC 1250
Speaking in (Inter)Cultural Context
LLC 1255
Modern Languages and Intercultural Competence
ANTH 2200
Cultural Anthropology
PSY 4270
Cross-Cultural Psychology of Human Development
Elective Course3
Choose from the following courses which will carry the "MLIC Elective" attribute:
ANTH 3340
World Archaeology
ARTH 3770
Art and Politics: From Goya to the Cold War
CHIN 3100
Modern Chinese Fiction and Film 1
CMM 4460
Global Media
DANC 2650
Spanish Dance: Flamenco
EDI 3350
Curriculum and Methods in Teaching World Languages
ENGL 2750
Film, Culture and Literature
FREN 4240
French Cuisine: Culture, Text, and Context 1
GR 3210
German Cultural History 1
HIST 3720
Cultural Encounters 1500-1700
HUM 4100
Engaging Difference in a Pluralistic World
IB 3160
Cultural Differences in International Business
MUSC 1170
Music of Cultures of the World
POLS 3140
Public Opinion and Mass Communication
RUSS 3270
Soviet and Russian Cinema: Traditions and Innovations 1
SOC 1180
World Geography
SPAN 4790
Spanish Culture & Civilization 1
Capstone Requirement2
Practicum experience approval is a prerequisite or co-requisite for enrolling in LLC 4500. Students will need to provide evidence of the practicum experience to the instructor to receive instructor approval to register.
LLC 4500
Reflection on Intercultural Experiences
General Electives53-56
Total Credits120

From the LLC Department, taught in English.

Non-Course Requirements

Languages 1, 2 and 3

Once students have fulfilled the 18-credit language requirement and have completed (or validated by way of an official language certificate) a first foreign language at a 3xxx + level, a second foreign language at a 2xxx + level, and a third foreign language at a 1xxx + level, then the program director will check this non-course requirement.

Language Proficiency
Students must demonstrate proficiency in three distinct languages. Program directors will confirm the achievement of these language requirements.

Proficiency in Language 1 can be proved by any of the following:
Completion of 6 credits at a 3xxx level or higher.
Achievement of ACTFL Intermediate Mid or higher.
Achievement of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B2 or higher. 

Proficiency in Language 2 can be proved by any of the following:
Completion of 6 credits at the 2xxx/3xxx level or higher.
Achievement of ACTFL Intermediate Low or higher.
Achievement of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B1 or higher.

Proficiency in Language 3 can be proved by any of the following:
Completion of 6 credits at a 1xxx level or higher.
Achievement of ACTFL Novice High or higher.
Achievement of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) A2 or higher.

The program director/coordinator will check this non-course requirement once a student has shown evidence of having completed a practicum experience.

Examples of approved practicum experiences include the following:

  • A study abroad experience that lasts a minimum of five weeks in a country where one of the student’s target languages is spoken.
  • A semester-long service learning/ community-based project or internship conducted predominantly in one of the student’s target languages.

Students wanting to undertake practicum experiences not listed here must obtain prior approval from the program director/coordinator.

Continuation Standards

A grade of “C or better is required in every course counting for the Major. Students who do not achieve the “C” or better grade in any required course for the major will be expected to repeat the course in an attempt to achieve the “C” or better grade. Students may repeat a required course one time. Students who fail to achieve the “C” or better grade after one repeat attempt will not be permitted to complete the major.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2-3
Language Requirement 3
Core and Elective courses 9-10
Language Requirement 3
LLC 1250
or LLC 1255
or ANTH 2200
or PSY 4270
Speaking in (Inter)Cultural Context
or Modern Languages and Intercultural Competence
or Cultural Anthropology
or Cross-Cultural Psychology of Human Development
Core and Elective courses 9
Year Two
Language Requirement 3
MLIC Elective attributed course 3
Core and Elective courses 9
CMM 3300 Intercultural Communication 3
Language Requirement 3
Core and Elective courses 9
Year Three
Language Requirement 3
MLIC Linguistics attributed course 3
Core and Elective courses 10
Practicum experience  
Language Requirement 3
Core and Elective courses 11
Year Four
LLC 4500 Reflection on Intercultural Experiences 2
Core and Elective courses 13
Core and Elective courses 15
 Total Credits120

Program Notes

Please note, that courses offered by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures that satisfy the language requirement or the elective requirements in the MLIC major also count for many of the required core components and a student may wish to look for such courses specifically to enrich their experiences in multiple areas of their education at the same time. For example, courses that are attributed as Dignity, Ethics and a Just Society, Writing Intensive or Creative Expression. Be sure to confirm with your academic advisor and your degree mentor that you will complete all the MLIC and core requirements.

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