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History, B.A.

Statue of a person holding a flag, behind the leaves of a tree top.
History, B.A. (Madrid)
  1. Graduates will be able to call to mind and explain significant historical facts in appropriate contexts.
  2. Graduates will be able to critically evaluate and analyze primary sources to produce reasoned historical interpretations.
  3. Graduates will be able to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of historical narratives and interpretations.
  4. Graduates will be able to produce correct, cogent and effectively structured statements on historical topics.
  5. Graduates will be able to produce research in which they interpret primary sources in order to propose informed, original solutions to historical problems.
  6. Graduates will be able to articulate meaningful relationships between contemporary issues and historical facts, interpretations and skills.

 History students must complete a minimum of 36 credits for the major.

University Undergraduate Core32-35
Major Requirements
HIST 1110Origins of the Modern World to 15003
HIST 1120Origins of the Modern World (1500 to Present)3
HIST 2800Historian's Craft: Methods Proseminar3
European History
Select one course with the European History attribute. Examples of such courses, which are commonly taught, are: 3
HIST 3020
The Roman Empire
HIST 3030
The Byzantine World: Faith and Power in a Thousand-Year Empire
HIST 3040
From Barbarians to Crusaders: Europe in the Early Middle Ages
HIST 3046
Medieval Castles in History and Archaeology
HIST 3050
From Cathedrals to Printing Presses: Europe in the Late Middle Ages
HIST 3090
The Age of Renaissance
HIST 3100
The Reformation Era
HIST 3120
French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815
HIST 3140
Twentieth Century Europe: Era of World Wars, 1914-1945
HIST 3280
Russia to 1905
HIST 3290
Russia Since 1905
HIST 3760
Medieval Spain
Pre-1865 U.S. History
Select one course with the Pre-1865 U.S. History attribute. Examples of such courses, which are commonly taught, are: 3
HIST 1600
History of the United States of America to 1865
HIST 3480
U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877
HIST 3580
American Slavery
HIST 3640
History of the American West
HIST 3660
History of Nature in America
HIST 3700
U.S. Constitutional History
Post-1865 U.S. History
Select once course with the Post-1865 U.S. History attribute. Examples of such courses, which are commonly taught, are: 3
HIST 1610
History of the United States Since 1865
HIST 3250
World in Conflict Since 1945
HIST 3480
U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877
HIST 3500
Progressive Era to the Jazz Age, 1890-1920
HIST 3600
U.S. History in Film
HIST 3640
History of the American West
HIST 3660
History of Nature in America
HIST 3700
U.S. Constitutional History
World History (Asian, African, Middle Eastern, or Latin American)
Select one course with the World History attribute. Examples of such courses, which are commonly taught, are: 3
HIST 1710
China and Japan Since 1600: Samurai, Revolutionaries, Entrepreneurs
HIST 1740
Peoples and Pandemics in History
HIST 2730
Crossroads of the World: The Middle East and North Africa Through History
HIST 3030
The Byzantine World: Faith and Power in a Thousand-Year Empire
HIST 3170
Colonial Latin America
HIST 3220
Jesuits and Their Worlds
HIST 3250
World in Conflict Since 1945
HIST 3720
Cultural Encounters 1500-1700
History Electives
Choose 12 credits for courses above 1120 with the HIST subject code.12
Senior Seminar
HIST 4900Seminar in European History3
or HIST 4901 Sem: American History
or HIST 4902 Seminar in World History
General Electives49-52
Total Credits120

Senior Thesis

HIST 4991 History Senior Thesis (3 cr) will be conducted as an independent study/research course for writing an honors thesis. It is an opportunity for superior students who want to expand and revise a paper for a previous 3000 or 4000 level history course into an honors thesis. This option will give the student a chance to develop and demonstrate advanced research and writing skills. It will be excellent preparation for graduate or professional schools, some of which require applicants to submit a writing sample. This course runs for one semester. Students wishing to spend a year on their thesis may sign up one semester earlier for HIST 4990 History Senior Thesis Prep (3 cr).


The Department of History offers a variety of internships HIST 4910 Internship/History in Practice (1-6 cr); for example, in an archive, a museum, a historical site, or on specific projects.

Continuation Standards

A 2.00 minimum GPA for all history courses.

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete a minimum of 120 credits (excluding pre-college level courses numbered below 1000).
  • Complete the University Undergraduate Core curriculum requirements.
  • Complete major requirements: minimum of 30 credits required.
  • Complete remaining credits with a second major, minor, certificate or electives to reach the minimum of 120 credits required for graduation.
  • Achieve at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average, a 2.00 grade point average in the major(s), and a 2.00 grade point average in the minor/certificate or related elective credits.
  • Complete department- and program-specific academic and performance requirements.
  • Complete at least 50% of the coursework for the major and 75% for the minor/certificate through Saint Louis University or an approved study-abroad program.
  • Complete 30 of the final 36 credits through Saint Louis University or an approved study-abroad program.
  • Complete an online degree application by the required University deadline.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HIST 1110 Origins of the Modern World to 1500 1 3
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar (Must be taken in first 36 credit hours at 博彩网址大全 / Cannot carry attributes. History Options: CORE 1000 A Medieval Murder Mystery: The World of AD 1327; CORE 1000 The Gods of the Others: The Sacred, Identities, and Communities) 2-3
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community (Must be taken in first 36 credit hours at 博彩网址大全 / Cannot carry attributes / Must be taken at 博彩网址大全) 1
CORE 1900 Eloquentia Perfecta 1: Written and Visual Communication (Should be taken in first 36 credit hours at 博彩网址大全 / Cannot carry attributes. Or HIST 1200 Communicating About History) 3
General Electives 6
HIST 1120 Origins of the Modern World (1500 to Present) (satisfies CORE 3400) 1 3
CORE 3200 Ways of Thinking: Quantitative Reasoning (Should be taken in first 45 credit hours at 博彩网址大全) 3
CORE 1600 Ultimate Questions: Theology 3
General Electives 6
Year Two
HIST 2800 Historian's Craft: Methods Proseminar 3
HIST 1600 History of the United States of America to 1865 (satisfies CORE 3400) 3
CORE 1200 Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication (Should be taken in first 60 credit hours at 博彩网址大全 / Cannot carry attributes) 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
General Electives 3
HIST 1610 History of the United States Since 1865 (satisfies CORE 3400) 3
HIST Elective above 1120: European History 4 3
CORE 3800 Ways of Thinking: Natural and Applied Sciences 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
General Electives 6
Year Three
HIST Elective above 1120: World History 2 3
HIST Elective Upper Leveltaken any time 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
CORE 3400
or HIST 1120
or HIST 3120
or HIST 3640
Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture
or Origins of the Modern World (1500 to Present)
or French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815
or History of the American West
General Electives 4
HIST Elective above 1120: U.S. Historytaken any time 5 3
HIST Elective Upper Leveltaken any time 3
CORE 3600 Ways of Thinking: Social and Behavioral Sciences (taken any time) 3
CORE 4000 Collaborative Inquiry 2-3
General Electives 4
Year Four
HIST 4900
or HIST 4901
or HIST 4902
Seminar in European History
or Sem: American History
or Seminar in World History
HIST Elective Upper Leveltaken any time 3
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
General Electives 8
HIST 4900
or HIST 4901
or HIST 4902
Seminar in European History
or Sem: American History
or Seminar in World History
HIST Elective Upper Leveltaken any time 3
General Electives 9
 Total Credits120-123

One, but not both, of these courses may be fulfilled by AP credit.


Fulfills World Distribution Requirement (for a full list of courses that meet this requirement, see the list below). 


Fulfills U.S. pre-1865 Distribution Requirement (for a full list of courses that meet this requirement, see the list below). 


Fulfills Europe Distribution Requirement (for a full list of courses that meet this requirement, see the list below). 


Fulfills U.S. post-1865 Distribution Requirement (for a full list of courses that meet this requirement, see list below). 

Program Notes

The history major requires successful completion of courses above 1120 in the following areas: pre-1865 U.S. history, post-1865 U.S. history, European history and World history. At least one course must be a 4000-level seminar. Please refer to the list of seminars for majors.

Senior thesis (three or six credits, counting toward electives) and internship options available.

European History (3 Credits)

Courses with the European history attribute. All are three-credit courses. Examples of commonly taught courses are:

HIST 3000
Ancient Greece
HIST 3020
The Roman Empire
HIST 3030
The Byzantine World: Faith and Power in a Thousand-Year Empire
HIST 3040
From Barbarians to Crusaders: Europe in the Early Middle Ages
HIST 3050
From Cathedrals to Printing Presses: Europe in the Late Middle Ages
HIST 3090
The Age of Renaissance
HIST 3100
The Reformation Era
HIST 3120
French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815
HIST 3140
Twentieth Century Europe: Era of World Wars, 1914-1945
HIST 3250
World in Conflict Since 1945
HIST 3280
Russia to 1905
HIST 3290
Russia Since 1905
HIST 3320
Early Modern History of Spain:1469-1818
HIST 3720
Cultural Encounters 1500-1700
HIST 3760
Medieval Spain

Pre-1865 U.S. History (3 credits)

Courses with the Pre-1865 U.S. history attribute. All are three-credit courses. Examples of commonly taught courses are:

HIST 1600
History of the United States of America to 1865
HIST 3480
U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877
HIST 3580
American Slavery
HIST 3640
History of the American West
HIST 3660
History of Nature in America
HIST 3700
U.S. Constitutional History

Post-1865 U.S. History (3 Credits)

Courses with the Post-1865 U.S. history attribute. Examples of commonly taught courses are:

HIST 1610
History of the United States Since 1865
HIST 3250
World in Conflict Since 1945
HIST 3480
U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877
HIST 3500
Progressive Era to the Jazz Age, 1890-1920
HIST 3600
U.S. History in Film
HIST 3640
History of the American West
HIST 3660
History of Nature in America
HIST 3700
U.S. Constitutional History

World History (3 Credits)

Asian, African, Middle Eastern, or Latin American

Courses with the World history attribute. All are three-credit courses. Examples of commonly taught courses are:

HIST 1700China and Japan To 1600: Histories, Cultures, Identities3
HIST 1710China and Japan Since 1600: Samurai, Revolutionaries, Entrepreneurs3
HIST 2730Crossroads of the World: The Middle East and North Africa Through History3
HIST 3030The Byzantine World: Faith and Power in a Thousand-Year Empire3
HIST 3170Colonial Latin America3
HIST 3220Jesuits and Their Worlds3
HIST 3240History of Africa since 18843
HIST 3250World in Conflict Since 19453

Senior Research Seminars (3 Credits)

HIST 4900Seminar in European History3
HIST 4901Sem: American History3
HIST 4902Seminar in World History3

Internship (3 credits - may be taken twice)

HIST 4910Internship/History in Practice3-6

Senior Thesis (3-6 credits)

HIST 4990History Senior Thesis Prep (optional)3
HIST 4991History Senior Thesis3

2+博彩网址大全 programs provide a guided pathway for students transferring from a partner institution. 

History, B.A. (STLCC 2+博彩网址大全)