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Economics, B.A.

three students sitting at a table with theirs laptops
Economics, B.A. (Madrid)
  1. Graduates will be able to understand essential business concepts and how the various functional areas of business are related.
  2. Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of ethical concepts and corporate social responsibility and be able to evaluate business problems from multiple ethical perspectives.
  3. Graduates will be able to identify and structure business problems, to propose actionable solutions to business problems and, when applicable, utilize appropriate technology.
  4. Graduates will be able to demonstrate effective written communication in the discipline of economics.
  5. Graduates will be able to understand how cultures, politics, laws, ethics, and economies influence and impact business and use tools and concepts to analyze and formulate an international business strategy.
  6. Graduates will be able to engage in quantitative reasoning, specifically:
    1. Analyze and interpret empirical evidence to evaluate economic arguments
    2. Analyze and evaluate policies based on economic principles
University Undergraduate Core32-35
Major Requirements
ECON 1900Principles of Economics3
ECON 3010Introduction to Econometrics3
ECON 3120Intermediate Macroeconomics3
ECON 3140Intermediate Microeconomics3
OPM 2070Introduction to Business Statistics3
MATH 1320Survey of Calculus3-4
or MATH 1510 Calculus I
Major Elective Courses
Select five courses (15 credits) with the Economics, BA Major Elective attribute, such as:15
ECON 3790
Economies of Latin America
ECON 4080
Industrial Organization and Public Policy
ECON 4120
Law and Economics
ECON 4160
History of Economic Analysis
ECON 4200
Money and Banking
ECON 4300
International Trade
ECON 4310
Exchange Rates and Global Economics
ECON 4450
Economics of Int'l Migration
ECON 4500
Sports Economics
ECON 4560
Economic Development
ECON 4600
Public Finance
ECON 4650
Public Choice and Political Economy
ECON 4700
Health Economics
ECON 4770
Advanced Econometrics
General Electives51-55
Total Credits120

Continuation Standards

Economics students must maintain a minimum 2.00 GPA in all economics courses used to fulfill major requirements.

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete a minimum of 120 credits (excluding pre-college level courses numbered below 1000).
  • Complete the University Undergraduate Core curriculum requirements.
  • Complete major requirements: minimum of 30 credits required.
  • Complete remaining credits with a second major, minor, certificate or electives to reach the minimum of 120 credits required for graduation.
  • Achieve at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average, a 2.00 grade point average in the major(s), and a 2.00 grade point average in the minor/certificate or related elective credits.
  • Complete department- and program-specific academic and performance requirements.
  • Complete at least 50% of the coursework for the major and 75% for the minor/certificate through Saint Louis University or an approved study-abroad program.
  • Complete 30 of the final 36 credits through Saint Louis University or an approved study-abroad program.
  • Complete an online degree application by the required University deadline.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MATH 1200 College Algebra 3
University Core and/or General Electives 12
ECON 1900 Principles of Economics 3
MATH 1320
or MATH 1510
Survey of Calculus *
or Calculus I
OPM 2070 Introduction to Business Statistics 3
University Core and/or General Electives 6
Year Two
ECON 3120 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3
ECON 3140 Intermediate Microeconomics 3
University Core and/or General Electives 9
ECON 3010 Introduction to Econometrics 3
ECON 4XXXEconomic Major Elective 3
University Core and/or General Electives 9
Year Three
ECON 4XXXEconomic Major Elective 3
ECON 4XXXEconomic Major Elective 3
University Core and/or General Electives 9
ECON 4XXXEconomic Major Elective 3
ECON 4XXXEconomic Major Elective 3
University Core and/or General Electives 9
Year Four
University Core and/or General Electives 15
University Core and/or General Electives 15
 Total Credits120

MATH 1510 Calculus I (0,4 cr) highly recommended.